How are Property Lines Determined?
Hannah Taylor
February 8, 2024

Property lines are the boundaries that determine the extent of a property and by whom it is legally owned. They establish the legal limits of a property and are important to ascertain in the event of a dispute with neighboring property owners. Property lines are determined by a variety of factors, including surveys, deeds, and legal descriptions.
Property lines can also be determined by examining the property's deed. The deed is a legal document that identifies the property owner and describes the property's boundaries. It may reference a survey or include a legal description of the property's boundaries. If the existing deed references a survey, then that survey may be sufficient for determining the property lines assuming that no major changes have taken place in the intervening years. However, if major changes have taken place in the intervening years, then a new survey may have to be performed, taking into account platted data, legal descriptions, and monumental property corners located on the site.
Plat Maps
Plat maps are a resource that surveyors frequently make use of when determining where the boundary lines of a property are. Plat maps are diagrams used to show how property is divided within the relevant county, city, or neighborhood. They are typically drawn to scale to better demarcate property boundaries. They may also determine easements, nearby streets as reference points, or flood zones. They are a vital resource in determining where property lines are when the land has undergone substantial changes in the intervening years between property boundary surveys.
Physical monuments or other natural boundary markers may help to determine where the property line is. These can include but aren’t limited to metal stakes, concrete markers, or other physical markers that are placed in the ground or attached to a structure. Additionally, natural features like rivers or rock formations can also serve as markers.
Do you need help determining where your property lines are? Contact us at First Choice Surveying for a free consult! We serve the majority of the state of Florida, and our trained professionals are ready and waiting to help you determine your property boundaries with a premier degree of accuracy.
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