Surveying Before Building Your Fence
Hannah Taylor
February 8, 2024

Integrating a fence into your property can be a transformative addition, elevating both its aesthetics and overall market value. However, this seemingly straightforward enhancement can, unfortunately, give rise to unforeseen challenges that may compromise the integrity of your property lines. Discovering years later that your fence encroaches on your neighbor's land or falls short of the designated boundaries is a scenario all too familiar.
Proactivity as a Preventive Measure
To preemptively avert such potential issues, adopting a proactive approach is paramount. Undertaking a comprehensive land survey of your property before initiating the fence installation process proves to be a prudent and strategic step. This ensures a clear understanding of your property's boundaries, mitigating the risk of disputes with neighbors and guaranteeing compliance with local regulations.
What If I Have the Original Survey?
In some cases, you may be fortunate enough to identify original property lines without commissioning a new survey. Though the original copies are helpful for future surveying, it’s important to conduct a new survey. In this case, we can serve as a valuable resource. Surveyor's corner monuments, small metal rods embedded at intersecting corners, may have been installed by a previous surveyor, offering a tangible aid to property boundaries.
When sourcing past surveys, it's essential to consider factors such as the survey's age, changes the property may have undergone, and potential inaccuracies resulting from surveyor errors or outdated equipment. While past surveys can provide useful insights, it's crucial to acknowledge the limitations and potential discrepancies that may arise.
Collaborating with Neighbors
Engaging in open communication and collaboration with neighbors is a pivotal aspect of this process. They may possess their own past land surveys, contributing valuable information to your decision-making process and helping address any disparities in documentation. Mutual cooperation can be especially beneficial if your neighbors are also contemplating fence installations, prompting them to conduct their boundary surveys.
What to Expect During Your Land Survey
Opting for an all-new boundary survey becomes a streamlined process with First Choice Surveying, the premier choice for Florida. Our dedicated team collaborates with you to understand your unique needs, ensuring a seamless experience. We commit to delivering results with a quick turnaround, from the approval process to completing your boundary survey. Our skilled technicians leverage cutting-edge technology to guarantee the precision and accuracy of your survey. Contact us today for a free quote and embark on your fence installation journey with confidence.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. The content of this blog is based on the knowledge and understanding available up to the date of publication.
While we strive to keep the information up to date and accurate, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of the information contained in this blog. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
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